50 long stem luxury red roses , the ultimate wow factor bouquet
If you have selected an option for DELIVERY please select ‘pre paid fresh flower delivery’ at checkout. We will be hand delivering fresh flowers to Burntisland , Kinghorn , Kirkcaldy, Lochgelly and Cowdenbeath BOTH DAYS. We will deliver to Dunfermline & Dalgety Bay 13th ONLY & Glenrothes 14th ONLY. If you would like delivery out with these areas please message us BEFORE placing order.
Delivery times are between 8am-8pm and we cannot give estimated delivery time.
At checkout please leave delivery address , recipients name, message for the card, contact telephone number and instructions on where we can leave Bouquet if not in. We cannot accept responsibility once Bouquet has been delivered to safe place.
Collections available 10am-5pm on your preferred date.
If adding Valentines card please put message in message box at checkout.
Due to fresh flower availability flowers may not directly resemble pictures shown but will be equally beautiful with same or higher value.
To keep your fresh flowers looking beautiful for longer, be sure to trim the stems at an angle and place them in a clean vase with fresh water and a little flower food. Change the water every couple of days and remove any leaves below the waterline. Keep your flowers away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts, and enjoy watching them bloom!